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new timetables from 2 Sep

To help us improve our timekeeping we'll be introducing new timetables on the following routes from Sunday 2 September;

black cat

Changes to early morning and afternoon times.

Preview the new timetable.


Minor changes throughout the timetable to improve our timekeeping.

Preview the new timetable here.

red arrow

In another landmark development for red arrow, we'll be introducing a new 24 hour timetable (Mondays to Saturdays) to offer a round-the-clock express link between Derby & Nottingham.

Preview the new timetable here.

spondon flyer

Minor changes to the Sunday morning timetable.

Preview the new timetable here.

the villager V1 & V3

Changes throughout the Mondays to Saturdays timetable to help improve our timekeeping.

Preview the new timetable here.