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fares changes

fare changes in March 2019

From Sunday 31 March, we'll be making some changes to our adult fares on the following routes: 

the mickleoverthe villager, V3, harlequin, X38, royal derby, swift, the sixes, the sevens, the allestree, the comet, rainbow one, rapid one, 1A, black cat, the keyworth, the cotgrave, mainline and rushcliffe villager

Here's what you need to know

Adult single fares will increase by around 10p and adult 2trips tickets will increase by around 20p. The dog fare will also increase by 10p. 

There will be no changes to mango caps, zigzag or saver.

These changes will allow us to continue to invest in our buses, their features and the latest technologies to help us remain as the really good bus company.